From the 26th July until the 12th August we have what is called the Lionsgate portal, with energy being highly activated on the 8th day of the 8th month.
Its all connected to the spiritual Sun-Sirius
The lucky star Sirius (spiritual sun and the brightest star in the sky) from the 26th July slowly becomes in line with the galactic centre, the Sun and Earth, and on the 8/8 it's energy peaks for us all.
This always happens to be the same time every year hence always appearing in the sign of Leo (hence lion portal) and activates our heart centre, we are closer to the spiritual realm at this time so trust those signs and intuition that comes to you today. It’s time for your mind body and soul to connect. This gateway is about following your truth, not others bs, it’s time to shine bright and be you! If any fears or issues show up, it is time to heal the trauma behind them and move forward fiercely. Your chakras will be bombarded with energy so be aware you may be feeling:
*Energetic or extremely tired.
*physical aches and pains or flu/hayfever symptoms.
*Anxious, annoyed or upset.
*Like your heart is fluttering, do not be concerned by this, this is your heart charka connecting to the portal, and guiding you to open up to the universal energy.
*Be experiencing past life flash backs, or having vivid dreams.
*phobias may suddenly come or disappear, or an existing one is enhanced.
*A feeling of not being grounded, foggy or light headed.
*A strong sense of spirit around you, the wind may suddenly pick up around you, you may just have a sense, a smell, a vision, and look for those signs! Feathers, music, any animals that come into your path, seeing certain shapes in the clouds.
This energy often brings a lot of downloads to the part of our birth chart that Leo is in. Look to your sign sun and Ascendant sign if known (this is found out through knowing your date, time, place of birth) There are plenty of websites to check out your chart if you know your details. I recommend cafeastrology.com or astro.com.
Leo- 1st house activation
This is the house of individuality, and how you would like the world to see you. You have a chance for new beginnings, but you need to be totally you, not be everything to everyone or think that you can do everything. It’s time for self-improvement, vamp up your wardrobe, de clutter. It is a very busy time of year for you with lots of events, so make sure you take the time to focus and shine your light!
Cancer- 2nd house activation
This is the house all about money, assets and your talents. You have a chance for a fresh start when it comes to finances, maybe you will start getting noticed at work for all your hard work and get a raise, or your business gets a new income avenue which will bring abundance, you may even get a refund for something or get given some money for your worth. You need to believe in yourself and your talents! You are worth every penny, do not accept less than what you deserve.
Gemini- 3rd house activation
You are the communicator of the zodiac and this house is being activated for you right now, you will be very busy talking to others, it is time you express yourself clearly and get the message across that you need to others. You have a fresh start in this area, so maybe there is someone you need to reach out too, you may also be spending lots of time with siblings that you have not seen for a while. If you need to act with something, do it.
Taurus- 4th house activation
This house is all to do with home and family, maybe you are doing some redecorating, or spending lots of time with your family. It may be time for you to move too, so if you are thinking of moving, start manifesting your dream home (within reason) it could signal someone moving out of the home too, whether it is family or a house mate, it will bring a new beginning.
Aries- 5th house activation
This house is all to do with your creativity and romance, life is meant to be fun, so go out there and have some! You are being given a chance to show of your skills, and if single, look out for new romances. It is time to start to be the ram that you are, be bold and go chase those dreams. Keep your thoughts positive.
Pisces- 6th house activation
Your work and health are under the spotlight, maybe you are getting more twinges than usual or work has been stressful, your body is trying to tell you that something is not right and you need to work on your mind/body connection and have a think about what habits that you have that no longer serve you, could be smoking, drinking or a person. You have a great opportunity to get yourself organised, focused and healthier.
Aquarius- 7th house activation
It’s all about relationships, whether it is positive or negative at the moment it will be at the fore front of your mind, maybe you need to ignite some fresh energy into an existing relationship, or you have recently parted, it could signal a time where you have not been looking for a relationship, but now feel that you are ready, or you are attracting people at the moment but not interested. It is a great time to do some self-loving care. If you want a relationship get manifesting!
Capricorn- 8th house activation
This house is all about other people’s money, so you may finally receive an inheritance that has been a long time coming, or you are starting to have a better understanding of financial matters especially in a joint relationship. It is a good time to ask for a pay rise, you deserve it after all!
Sagittarius- 9th house
What spiritual holiday are you thinking about going on? Life is an adventure and you need to grab any opportunities that come up for you. It is also a great time to be thinking about any new forms of study you could be doing, say yes to new starts, you will not regret it, you may also start writing a journal or starting a new faith in life.
Scorpio- 10th house
This time is all about your career and the outer environment, you have a good chance for promotion right now, so if the opportunity comes up, go for it! You are going to be recognised for all your hard work. You may be wanting to be noticed this month and will be. You will also be thinking about your long-term goals and the success you want to achieve, the only way is up, aim high, but stay grounded.
Libra- 11th house activation
Its all about friends and networking for you, wishes can come true for you right now and will find yourself around good friends that maybe you have not seen for quite some time. New people may be coming into your life too that have a better understanding of your spiritual path. If you get invited to a new group or class, say yes! You will enjoy it more than you think and will be great for networking.
Virgo-12th house activation
You will feel like retreating from the world at this time, and getting to know yourself on a deeper level. Your intuition will be spot on so watch out for those signs from the universe and the symbols that you get in your dreams. Do some meditation and yoga, if you need to say no to any events it is ok! You need to rest right now. Take time out for you. Find your inner peace and yogi, and wash away any fears or worries that you may have.
Be aware that whatever house this portal lands in that you may also experience fears or traumas connected to this area, so it is important to keep positive and deal with any issues, rather than burying them.
Brightest blessings to you all. xx