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December's highlight's
December is looking like a fun month, and most people will be full of Christmas cheer, with Mercury retrograde out of sight, you will feel on top of that Christmas list! Its a time to be with friends, family and taking time to relax, although Jupiter moving into Capricorn from the 3rd may have you focusing on work, this will be positive as you will feel more confident in your abilities and feel better organised. People are in a good mood over the festive period and feeling optimistic. The new year starts early with the new moon on the 26th (this often does not happen until Jan) this is also welcome as you can decide between then and the new year on all your work goals and wishes, and go into 2020 with determination and focus. New years eve is drama free this year, so should be an enjoyable time!
Days to look out for, all signs-
2nd- JUPITER MOVES INTO CAPRICORN to stay until December 20th 2020. (see upcoming post for where it will fall in your chart)
Capricorn is the sign of jolly Jupiter's fall, which means that there may be some restrictions when it comes to expansion and good luck, due to Capricorn liking to conform and having a cautious nature, this will particularly show on the larger scale with government's and laws. However if you are wanting to expand in the area of your work, this is an excellent year for working towards those goals and getting ahead. There may be some recognition for your achievements. You will feel more confident in your abilities and may find you get to travel with your work.
3rd- You will have a love of mystery and will be able to teach others valuable truths. Good day for investigating and problem solving.
Friendships will be good today and for getting on with creative activities. Get together with others. Look out for financial opportunities.
8th- Energy levels may be low so take it easy as you will not be clear headed, also try to avoid any confrontation. It is a good time to be creative as you will have an appreciation for nature and beauty. You will be sensitive to others needs.
9th-Its time to think about education and study. its a great day to travel and be open to alternative lifestyles. You may meet some interesting connections, so get out and about.
11th- Love may feel serious and sober today, and may find it difficult to communicate with a loved one, causing some tension.
It is a good day to be looking at your spiritual goals and may feel a need for freedom. Be careful however of any gossip and watch your reactions if brought into any drama.
You may feel the need to make a decision regarding neighbours or siblings. Keep yourself grounded today as Neptune will might be pulling the wool over your eyes, not everything is as it seems.
13th-It is a great day to do something new and different, there is an excitement in the air and will feel liberated, you may seek out unusual experiences and new encounters will have an electric feel. Show of any new skills and shine your light. The downside to today is that you may not be willing to except things as they are and be careful of using love as a weapon to manipulate another.
There may be quite a few disputes about the vote in the UK yesterday, there may of been some form of manipulation brought to the surface.
15th- Today is another day to do something new and different! You will be open and receptive to new ideas, there may be sudden new opportunities, or a turn around in an event. This is a good day to take a chance or a bet.
19th- Today is a good day for planning and working towards those goals, tying up those loose ends before the Christmas break. You may not however, be wanting to deal with reality, especially in relations, try not to be disappointed if plans change at the last minute or a relationship changes course.
20th- VENUS MOVES INTO AQUARIUS until the 15th Jan 2020.
This is a great month for any group activities, you will be in a friendly mood so an excellent time to host a party or business meetings. There may be a friendship which blossoms into love over this period.
This time represents the time of year when it is the shortest day, it is time to start to take some rest, and slow down. It is common to feel a little out of sorts at this time and as the North pole tilts some people may feel lightheaded, full of cold, have sinus issues or nosebleeds. This is your body's way of telling you to rest. This time also marks the SUN MOVING INTO CAPRICORN
This marks the time of year when interacting with your parents may become important, you will be spending more time with them or having to take care of relatives. Career may also be on your mind, thinking about what changes that you need to make, what you need to cut back on or take more responsibility for. Its a time to look at your strengths and weaknesses, don't be too hard on yourself.
Today in general is a day where you will be looking for excitement and stimulation, especially in relationships. Do not be impatient however or go looking for an argument. New experiences may be offered to you, be flexible and it will be a great day!
24th- It is a good day to take an adventure, learn something new, visit someplace different. You will be energetic and restless, so get out and about and do something fun!
26th- NEW MOON solar eclise IN CAPRICORN
This will bring the new year in early if you would like it too! Great chance for fresh starts and new beginnings, especially as it is an eclipse. Write a list of all your goals for the next 6 months, especially think about your working situation. What do you want to change in 2020? Capricorn energy is strong in 2020 with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto spending all year here. You may want to be getting on with work today, but make sure that you take time out to rest and be with family. Balance work and play.
27th- You are feeling good physically and strong in your mind. Your outlook will be positive, and will want to fit in as much as you can today, whether its visiting family or having fun. Don't spread yourself too thinly or take on more than you can handle!
28th- MERCURY MOVES INTO CAPRICORN until 4th Feb 2020
Over the next month it is time to start to making plans for your working life, do something new or help out within the community. its a good time to have appraisals and meetings with the bosses about furthering yourself. Its likely you may be doing some negotiating connected to business.
29th-You are feeling alive and awake mentally, and is a great day to tackle any problems. New ideas will appear from no where, so keep a notebook handy! Its a great time to start something new, or take an unplanned day trip. You will be open to new situations and ideas.
If you know you Ascendant sign or your moon sign, read these too as may relate more to what is going on for you right now.
ARIES (21st March-20th April)
You will be in high spirits this month and have luck on your side when it comes to learning new things or taking new opportunities. Just do not take on too much and suffer burn out. The full moon on the 12th puts you in the mood for communicating and may travel somewhere new and different. By the months end, your focus is on work, things could get a bit testy so keep your head down. The new moon on the 26th however, you could be recognised for all your hard work or be in the spotlight in the working environment or the community.
REST: 19,20
TAURUS (21st April- 21st May)
It is a good time to tie up any loose ends in regards to property or joint finances, once on top of it all you will be able to relax. At the full moon on the 12th you may be worrying about money, and feeling a need to count the pennies, friends might say you are a scrooge, but they will wish they did too later. Study and travel are on your mind, so look out for new opportunities. The months end you may book a dream holiday or get invited somewhere exciting. The new moon on the 26th may bring a surprise visitor or a new mentor into your life.
REST: 21,22
GEMINI (22nd May-21st June)
You may be asking a family member or a friend for some help, when it comes to your property or resources, they are willing to help you out. It is a good time to set up a new business venture. At the full moon you will be feeling good and may feel the need to get a new hairstyle or revamp your style. The months end will bring the news that you have been waiting for, especially at the new moon on the 26th, just make sure you do not get over excited and spend too much on partying and celebrating.
BEST DAYS: 10,11,12
REST: 23,24,25
CANCER (22nd June-22nd July)
You need to tie up any loose ends, and focus on your long term goals, the sooner you get on with it, the sooner you can relax over the Christmas period. It's your most romantic time of year and may feel a spark with someone new or feel more connected to a partner, allow things to flow naturally and enjoy the moment. The full moon on the 12th, you might feel like retreating from the world and may be told or reveal a secret. Relationships become easier this month, which will be a welcome relief, and the new moon on the 26th can bring fresh starts to existing relationships or you may meet someone new, so get out and about.
BEST DAYS: 13,14
LEO (23rd July-23rd August)
This festive season is a busy one for you and will be feeling on top of everything. You are finally on top of all your paperwork and may have an amazing opportunity opening up to you. The full moon on the 12th you will be in a sociable mood, and is a good time to be around friends. The months end you are on top of all the spending and may have some cash to spare, so look out for a bargain in the sale. The new moon on the 26th could bring you a job offer, or you may get the green light for a new project.
BEST DAYS: 15,16
REST: 1,2,28,29
VIRGO (23rd August- 22nd September)
Make sure that you take the time to listen to others at the beginning of the month, it is also time to stop worrying about everyone and stop pressuring yourself. New prospects are heading your way, especially on the full moon on the 12th, a project may finally be completed or you will be recognised for all your hard work. The months end, brings focus on having fun and enjoying the festivities. The new moon on the 26th may bring you a nice romantic surprise.
BEST DAYS: 17,18
REST: 3,4,5,30,31
LIBRA (23rd September- 23rd October)
Communication is key at the beginning of this month, you may also set some goals that you would like to move toward.The full moon on the 12th you may travel somewhere new and different, doing something that you love, listening to carols or doing some festive activities. Focus will be on the home at the months end and will feel a need to have a quiet Christmas with your family or people that bring you joy, there may be a guest you have not seen for a while. The new moon on the 26th you may be feeling nostalgic, looking through old albums or making a scrapbook of your treasured memories, reminiscing of good times with those no longer here.
BEST DAYS: 19,20
REST: 6,7
SCORPIO (24th October- 22nd November)
You will have high energy this month and being savvy with your money will make you happy. Connections with others may bring good news. You have expansive plans for the future, it is time to let go of those limiting beliefs and put some work into it. The full moon on the 12th may get you to be looking at joint finances and property. The new moon on the 26th you may feel the need to reach out to someone to communicate your truth, make sure that you listen and do not react before thinking. A resolution may be at hand.
BEST DAYS: 21,22
REST: 8,9
SAGITTARIUS (23rd November- 21st December)
Your pace of life may slow down this month. Make sure that you do not go overspending on the Christmas pressies and socialising, as could leave yourself short. The full moon on the 12th shines a light on your relationships, it is the perfect time to make amends, forgive or start afresh. The months end your hard work is paying off and could find you receive a reward or a long overdue payment. The new moon on the 26th, you will be thinking about treating yourself to something you have had your eye on for a while.
BEST DAYS: 23,24,25
REST: 10,11,12
CAPRICORN (22nd December- 20th January)
You will be feeling in high spirt this month, especially from the 3rd when Jupiter pleasantly moves into your sign, bringing you luck and personal power. It is your year to shine! You may be starting new projects and starting to feel more confident in your abilities. The full moon on the 12th, you will be wanting to get on with paperwork and concentrating on your health. From the 23rd you will be in the mood for partying and wanting to express yourself. The new moon on the 26th you will in a generous mood and enjoying being around your family.
BEST DAYS: 26,27
REST: 13,14
AQUARIUS (21st January- 18th February)
You may be attracting attention this month and not all of it may be welcome news to a partner. At the full moon it is the perfect time to take a loved one on a romantic date. If single go out and socialize, you could meet someone new. You will feel a need to retreat at the months end. Spend time doing less ,and being around those you care about. The new moon on the 26th is a good time to relax at home in front of a cozy fire playing games and eating. You will be thinking deeply at this time too.
BEST DAYS: 1,2,28,29
REST: 15,16
PISCES ( 19th February- 20th March)
Teamwork is the word of the month. Maybe you hit a target at work or making changes within the home, using your DIY skills. You have the stamina to get any jobs finished. The full moon on the 12th puts your home in the limelight, so you will want to finish off those tasks. Friends will be important to you at the end of the month, and will be feeling spontaneous, especially on the new moon on the 26th, you will be feeling jolly and wanting to spread good cheer.
BEST DAYS: 3,4,5,30,31
REST: 17,18
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