Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash
CHARKA IGINITED THIS WEEK: Crown (connects brain, cerebellum and the skull and connects us to our higher selves ) connects to the element of cosmic energy , our sense of awareness and associated with spirituality, connection to the divine and the divinity within you, When out of balance we have a feeling of being cut of or feeling hostile to spirituality, feel lonely or depressed.
CRYSTALS TO USE: Clear crystals such as quartz, moonstone, snowflake obsidian
POWER ANIMAL TO GUIDE YOU: HAWK- Spirit vision and guardianship surround you. Be patient and observe. You will see the opportunities. Signs are clear. Stay grounded and take care of daily obligations.
Today you may feel the urge to get away from the daily routine. Its a good day to meditate or study. You may meet a new friend especially if you are travelling. You will feel in harmony with yourself. It should be a very pleasant Monday!
Rewarding day for: Sagittarius
Challenging for: Gemini
Today Venus moves into the sign of Pisces to stay for the next month. Energy becomes more romantic and compassionate. You may find that you will need to take care of someone, be careful not to become a martyr or feel like you should be getting back something for what you are giving. It is a time for getting in touch with who you truly are, what is your passions? what lights you up? where do you need to set boundaries?
It will be a day today for getting out and about and most people will be in a generous mood.
Rewarding day for: Sagittarius
Challenging for: Gemini
You will feel a need to be around your friends today. There will be a pleasant vibe in the air and some people will be craving freedom. If in a relationship it will be important to give your partner some space if needed, do not push them into socialising or doing something they do not want to do, as may rebel.
Rewarding day for: Capricorn
Challenging for: Cancer
So today mercury finally moves forward in Pisces! Despite still being in shadow period( which means going back over things that may of happened whilst it was retrograde and goes back to the degree it started to go retrograde) until the 6th April, you will find the miscommunications start to clear up, information networks will speed back up, and there will finally be a forward movement with concerns relating to houses, and anything you are waiting for regarding any kind of contracts.
Rewarding day for: Capricorn
Challenging for: Cancer
Do not rush ahead today or start something new. You may be feeling frustrated and looking at the negative of the situation. Do not overthink things either, be easy on yourself.
Rewarding day for: Capricorn
Challenging for: Cancer
There may be some tension today and a change may be needed, but you will find yourself fighting against it. Do not be hasty or make any rash decisions. Be careful also not to jump to any conclusions about something that is said to you. You may feel a need for excitement and relations with the opposite sex will be good.
Rewarding day for: Aquarius
Challenging for: Leo
Mars the planet of Energy moves into Gemini today to stay until May, you will find that life and time will speed up and energy will be high. There might be some stuff going on in the neighbourhood that might be a little disruptive. You may be meeting up with siblings or relatives that you have not seen for a while. You will need to be careful with your words as the tongue may work quicker than your mind, and things can get a little scattered as you may have excess energy, so take deep breaths and stay focused.
The day will begin slowly and is good to take it slowly, by the evening you will be feeling sociable and may be reflecting and exploring your goals and ideas. Your mind will be positive and you may receive some good news.
Rewarding for: Aquarius
Challenging for: Leo
Remember that Mercury is still in retrograde until Thursday and will be in its shadow for another week, make sure you see what this means for you by reading www.intuitsoul.co.uk/blog/mercury-retrograde-in-Pisces/
Have a great week, bright blessings,
Teresa xxx
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