December 2018
December 3rd-9th
On Wednesday it will be a good day to rest and sleep if you can as the sun and Neptune square, you may be feeling tired and have a lowered immune system, it is also a good time to up your vitamin intake. After all the retrogrades we have experienced this year, you will be pleased to hear that Mercury turns direct on Thursday 6th December, you can relax a little and normal communication will resume. It has been rather chaotic the last few weeks, delays, crashes, mistakes being made, people saying things that they maybe should of kept to themselves etc….if we have been taught anything it is to go with the flow and not overthink things. By the end of the week we have a new moon in Sagittarius, this will bring about faith and optimism, it is the perfect time to reach for the stars and have some self-belief. Friday is quite a special day as Mars and Neptune conjunct, making it an extra great day to pursue your artistic endeavours and spiritual dreams. Be careful however if you are out on your work do, as we tend to over idealize, and can have an affect on your alcohol intake, causing your body to react by getting drunk too quick or feeling dizzy and sick.
December 10th-16th
This week, try to get some down time and rest, as the energy is calm for a change! On Wednesday Mercury re enters Sagittarius, helping you to feel on track again with your goals and dreams, but be aware you might end up spending too much on presents or yourself, completely forgetting about your budget or that bill. On Sunday it will be a nice day to spend with friends and might make yourself some new ones, but watch out for ego conflicts and stay away from any fights or any dangerous places as there could be some eruptions.
December 17th-23rd
At the beginning of the week, you may find yourself re looking at some of your goals and making changes for the better, and is a really good time to work as part of a team, planning ideas and goals, you may also be feeling a little nostalgic about the year that has gone by. Thursday brings some excitement as the sun trines Uranus, helping you have the courage to move forward and have a surge in your intuition, trust what you are getting. Friday brings the winter solstice, when the sun enters Capricorn and is a good day to pause, and give thanks to the cycle of nature, also making the shortest day of the year, light starts to return to your soul, we also have a lovely aspect bringing some harmony and good vibes. Watch out however for anyone with a 'I know it all attitude', be prepared to stand your ground if need be. On Sunday we have the full moon at 0 degrees in nurturing Cancer, which may make you feel like retreating and snuggling up on the sofa in your own home with an good film or book, and may spend some time reflecting and looking within. Be aware you may be feeling more emotional and overwhelmed than usual, so say no to a commitment if you need too.
December 24th-31st
Christmas eve brings a little stress and confusion when it comes to how we communicate with each other, so try not to be doing too much with others, get some time for you, by Christmas day we have a beautiful moon/Jupiter connection which makes people feel warm, friendly, giving and generous, it will seem like less is more when it comes to presents, as the gift of giving is being there for others and having a sense of being loved and cared for. Helping others helps you. By the end of the week you may be feeling a little tense and anxious about what the new year might bring, and notice others around you being a little bit stressed, but on New years eve, Mars enters its home of Aries, making sure the new year starts with a bang, giving you the energy and vigour to totally be yourself and not care what others think, as long as you are not insensitive to others it will be a great day!
Bright blessings to you all, as the year comes to an end, it is a perfect time to think about all the experiences and achievements that you have had this year. Raise a glass to yourself! You have come so far and learnt a lot, there may have been losses and pain but you have also grown and gained valuable lessons, it is time to let your light shine.
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