Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash
Jupiter is moving into his own sign of Sagittarius on the 9th November to stay until 8th December 2019, this is really good news, the last year he has been in Scorpio, showing us some darkness and expanded our awareness of our intimate relationships and personal power. You may have lost a loved one, suffered an illness or endured an unexpected break up. As he moves into Sagittarius he will now bring us optimism, joy, generosity and growth. You may be starting something new- a new business, taking up a new study, moving to somewhere new or packing your bags to go travelling. Whatever you experience you will have abundance on your side. What will Jupiter’s energy bring for you, which area will you experience luck? look to your rising sign, if you do not know, your sun sign will still give you some indications.
Sagittarius- This year is all about you, you will go through a major cycle of growth in your life, you will get to find out who you truly are, with a renewed sense of security, it is time to show your talents to the world not hide away! Relationships with others will work to your advantage and will gain self-confidence.
Capricorn- You will be going through a healing process, will feel more empathy towards others, and possibly be learning a great deal about spiritual matters. You will feel that that universe has your back and the sense of a guardian angel on your shoulder.
Aquarius- Your hopes, dreams and ideals for the future will come into play. Its likely you will be involved in group activities and have a supportive friendship network. You will feel the need to be part of a group and will learn a lot about yourself.
Pisces- Your profession, career and reputation will be in the spotlight, and will want to get ahead, you may find your superiors, as you may feel like you are doing their job. You may get a promotion or praise. You will have confidence in your abilities and may be asked to travel for work which you will enjoy.
Aries- You may have an opportunity for travel, learning or teaching others. You will want to learn all you can. It is a great time to write a book or start a blog. It is possible that you will have connections with others overseas.
Taurus- It is possible that you may receive some kind of inheritance, windfall or gift from someone. It is a good time to start a business partnership or get married. There may be some sweeping changes happening for you but will be for the good.
Gemini- Relationships will go smoothly for you, or will meet that special one. If getting married or engaged, it will be likely that your partner will be older than you. You will feel the need to be with others right now and it is a good time to have any personal assistance that you need, such as counselling, doctor appointments etc, helping you to feel more revived.
Cancer- You will be feeling fit, healthy and full of vitality, although will need to be careful of eating too much sugar or fat as will go straight to your waistline. Work will be very fulfilling for you this year and will be successful, you may even get a promotion, or begin a new job that brings satisfaction. You are focused on giving your all.
Leo- Your creativity and self-expression will be at its peak, being your authentic self. You will go through personal growth and wisdom and will love being creative, possibly being able to make some money from it too. If you have children your relationship will improve, as will love relationships.
Virgo- At this time you will seek inner peace and security. You will want to improve things within the home. You may be adding to your home with an extension, re decorating or buying a new home. You will find that you are feeling open and generous and there will be calm within the family. Relationship with parents will be good. You will increase in confidence and will be more in touch with your inner self.
Libra- You may take up some new study, be doing lots of writing and communication, it will become much easier to express what is on your mind. You may for a period of time by travelling or having to be away from the home for an extended period. Relationships with siblings will be positive at this time. You will many plans for the future.
Scorpio- Your material or spiritual wealth may grow at this time, and will want to learn more. There will be a focus on resources, but be sure not to overspend, as this will only make you feel tied, make sure that what you want to buy you really need. It is however a good time to invest some
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