What it in store for the month of June?
June will seem much lighter and calmer than May has been, we have gone through some massive shifts with Uranus, it has left many of us drained with an uncertainty about what is ahead. We need to take time to let ourselves and our emotions settle, do not push yourself any further then your body will allow, your body is talking to you right now.
The month starts off in a light and airy mood, as mercury the planet of communication has moved into the chatty and flirty sign of Gemini. We have some nice aspects too, making communication easier and light hearted. The first weekend is great for relationships and creative and spiritual activities. Whatever you end up doing it will be fun!
The week after (4-10th) Watch out for a week of highs and lows, especially when it comes to communications. Although words will come easily and people communicate better, it might be hard to know what the truth is and what is not. All will be ok if you weigh up the facts before making a decision. This week do not make any major decisions when it comes to relationships and finances.
The week of the 11th-17th we have a new moon in the sign of Gemini, this moon is a dark super moon and it’s a good time for making new connections, upgrading any technology and getting your point across. Venus moves into bold Leo this week, bringing your creativity and enthusiasm to a high. Mercury also moves into cancer, where communications tend to be emotionally driven. Over the next month it’s a good time to go off on holiday, have a party, be creative. At the end of the week we have a war with Uranus and Venus. And Mercury/Saturn, lay low and be objective, be aware that there may be some disruption to social plans or financial plans. By the weekend there will be harmony in the air again.
The week of the 18th-24th Neptune turns retrograde, she turns retrograde for 5 months at a time, giving us time to reflect on our life’s and any negative aspects within relationships or financially. There will be lots of news circling….is it fake or real? Communication will be enhanced this week, and some people will be straight talking. On the Thursday we have the summer solstice as the sun moves into the sign of Cancer, it’s a good month to let go of old pain, spending time on sprucing up your home, learning to cook, and most of all show people you care by giving out hugs! Be mindful that after Thursday there may be trouble with the opposite sex, one person may be intimidating, controlling or use underhand tactics. Try to remain calm and don’t let them get to you.
The week of the 25th-30th we have a sign change and a retrograde, that can always cause a bit of tension. Mars turns retrograde in Sagittarius (more on this soon) the beginning of the week, this 2-month period will bring up any issues of anger that you may have, is it really necessary? What does it do to your body? Are you being as assertive as you could be? Look out in the news as there may be some eruptions of violence or mother Earth might bring a few surprises. By the Thursday we have the practical and serious full moon of Capricorn, it will be time to get serious about what you need to sort out, whether it is within your career of financially. Mercury moves into Leo, so communications suddenly become bold, brash and a little dramatic, next month he turns retrograde, so be aware this energy will be around until end of August. At the weekend, make sure that you keep your conversations light, postpone important meetings, as communications will be rather stressful.
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