Tuesday- Mercury squares Jupiter- You will be thinking about long term plans, and feeling rather optimistic about them, you are also good at planning at this time, be careful however not too overlook some important details, if you are in a managerial position and need to talk about these plans with employees, be careful not too come across as arrogant, as staff will see it as belittling and you could have trouble on your hands! Remain flexible and be open to any new ideas, and you will get a good reception.
Sun sextile Uranus- This is a great day to meet up with friends old and new, you will have enlighteningly chats and new experiences, giving you a greater insight. You will feel alert and lively, a great day to do something creative, new and different. Any creative changes that you need to change in your life will be done with ease today.
Wednesday- HAPPY VALENTINES DAY- Be love, spread love, not just to the one you love but to everyone that you meet. Be generous and kind, many people do not like this day if they are not in a relationship, so make them feel that love is always around, we are all connected xxxx
Thursday- Mercury sextile Uranus, as well as a solar eclipse in unique and community loving Aquarius, which makes today rather interesting, your energy should generally be quite high and being around friends and communicating will be important, you will receive some news that maybe you were not expecting. its a day where you will make new discoveries and will realise that having a plan does not always go to plan!
This new moon pushes you to let go of any attachment you may have to others, especially in friendships, be yourself and unique, you need to start being true to yourself, pleasing others is not going to make you feel good, stand up and be u! Its also a time to be looking forward in your life. You will be making many new connections with groups, the community etc so make room in your diary!
Saturday/Sunday- The weekend brings the sun and Mercury into Pisces, The focus tends to go a little more inward, we start to think about deep rooted things, that maybe we have buried, there may be things that you need to express but are feeling a little nervous about what the outcome will be. The fear is a lot worse than the outcome, this fear can cause some confusion within relationships. Some people may be feeling a little dreamy and have their heads up in the clouds, this is fine, but we need to stay grounded too, so getting out in nature, especially by the sea will be beneficial. This is a great period to start doing a meditation or yoga class, bringing you some peace of mind.
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