There has been so much going on lately you may not be sure of whether you are coming or going!
This can increase your anxiety levels, and doubt your ability to do the things that you are so good at! It is likely that you have fallen back on old habits...it might be emotionally eating despite the fact you know you are doing it and putting on weight....getting in contact with the one person that let you down, needing some kind of reassurance or being critical to yourself and maybe others. All these actions can lead to fatigue and a low immune system. Look after yourself and do things that nurture you..
On Tuesday the first sign change is Mercury from diplomatic Libra into penetrating Scorpio.. You will want to get to those hidden parts of yourself and your mental focus will become a lot more intense. This Scorpio energy goes so much deeper then the mind, its as if you connect with others on a new level, and will learn so much about yourself. Its also a time that you may be worrying more about loved ones and what would happen if.....stop thinking too deeply, try to be in the here and now.
On Wednesday we have a Mercury and Jupiter meeting... our optimism and enthusiasm with be at a high, and is great for any business activity, and if you have a project to finish today is the day.
By Thursday we have the new moon in romantic Libra, but all will not be as it seems as Uranus is in the mix, causing some unpredictability in the relationship department. Not the best new moon to be starting anything new, instead do Venus like activities such as having a beauty treatment or having a relaxing bath or therapy. Stay grounded and balanced.
On Sunday we have Mars moving into Libra, and the sun moving into Scorpio. It will be difficult to make decisions over the coming weeks and can cause a bit of tension with partners. Mars however will not appreciate you brushing any differences under the carpet and will force you to air things, helping you to work through any problems and make adjustments.
We will probably hear about lots of lawsuits and legal conflicts, possibly to do with the male/female relationship and how men may of abused their position in power, causing much controversy.
The sun in Scorpio always brings about much deeper issues that we kind of brush over when the sun is in Virgo and Libra. Issues regarding intimacy and emotion may crop up. Remember that key word of balance. despite maybe feeling a little paranoid and thinking others are being secretive its a great month to heal and transform yourself.
With both these planets moving into Scorpio you may find yourself in a power struggle between a partner, a parent, a child, an employer or employee. Try to stay calm, some people may seem threatening in their behaviour or act in a reckless manner. Try to work out how you can work together and try not to create a war.
Balance is the key to life xxxxxx
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