Its solar eclipse time! and its a double whammy as we had a new moon in Leo last month, so whatever it was that you set intention to do but just didn't get around to, you have a second chance!
Eclipses always bring a little madness or sadness, this eclipse in Leo means that people are going to have to let go of their pride, and change the way that they are dealing with a situation or others. Forgiveness has a massive part to play at this time, If we don't forgive others, even ourselves for things that have happened in the past, then it could haunt you for the next 6 months. Let it go, look in your mirror and see the reflection of them in you, so often when others p*** us off it can be because we are a little like them too, and don't want to truely see it. Forgiving that part of yourself will help you to forgive them too. This is especially hard for fixed signs ( Taurus, Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio) You don't have to speak or see the other person.
I am a Taurus with a Cancer Ascendant and a Scorpio moon, so I tend to hold onto crap from the past that does not serve me, so have to work hard to keep my emotions in balance.
Yesterday Whilst meditating, a person I needed to forgive came up in my head, I realised why....I needed to forgive them for their actions..so I just looked them in my eye(in my meditation) and said I forgive you... Its that simple! You will feel so much better.
Back in march there was a mars/Saturn trine which was very productive, you may of achieved a lot, finishing off projects etc....happens again on Tuesday... it will be easy to stay focused, remember that the hard work and determination you put in now will pay out! Later that day on the Tuesday The sun moves into Virgo for the month. Health and fitness will be on the agenda, as well as if your working environment is beneficial for your health!
Friday is also a busy day..... Saturn turns forwards, it's time to get out of neutral and work on those structures that define your life. Your Love life will get a little bit more dramatic and fun as Venus moves into fiery and proud Leo.
Phew, its a busy week, just remember to forgive, release, let go, dream big, stay focused and most importantly be you.
P.S.......... next week is going to be calmer and clearer xx
Love and sparkles xxxx
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